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We Listen.

Our Consultation
Empathic listening is the first step to understanding the patient’s perspective and unique challenges.

Your Commitment
When patients commit to the hard work it takes to change, they can begin their personal journey to discover their inner resources.

Our process
Together, we will work to untangle negative patterns so that patients can create a realistic life map.

Change is scary, and progress takes time.

Dr. Lichtman helps rising adults make the transition into adulthood and overcome stumbling blocks that often get in the way of personal and career success. Dr. Lichtman understands that change can be scary and that patterns are hard to break, but when a patient commits to—and invests in our process—it is possible for them to change their lives in ways they cannot currently imagine.

About Dr. Lichtman

Craig Lichtman, MD, Philadelphia

For those willing to do the work, we will work together to develop the tools each patient needs to change their own life.